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The Non-fungible Pacifier (Rigged #46), 2023, Oil, acrylic and inkjet print on canvas

The Non-fungible Pacifier (Rigged #46), 2023

Oil, acrylic and inkjet print on canvas

61 x 56 1/2 inches
154.9 x 143.5 cm

The Opposite of Tweet (Rigged #32), 2022, Oil, acrylic, inkjet on canvas

The Opposite of Tweet (Rigged #32), 2022

Oil, acrylic, inkjet on canvas

58 1/2 x 59 1/2 inches
148.6 x 151.1 cm

Acid Witch Danse Fetus Tour (Rigged #29), 2022, Oil, acrylic, inkjet on canvas

Acid Witch Danse Fetus Tour (Rigged #29), 2022

Oil, acrylic, inkjet on canvas

58 x 71.5 inches
147.3 x 181.6 cm

Shifted Sims #7 (Fashionista Career), 2020, Oil, acrylic, inkjet on canvas

Shifted Sims #7 (Fashionista Career), 2020

Oil, acrylic, inkjet on canvas

48 x 84 inches
121.9 x 213.4 cm

Waiting Room #7, 2017, Oil, acrylic, and inkjet print on canvas

Waiting Room #7, 2017

Oil, acrylic, and inkjet print on canvas

84 x 72 inches
213.4 x 182.9 cm

Shifted Sims #8 (Food Critic Career), 2019, Oil, acrylic, inkjet on canvas

Shifted Sims #8 (Food Critic Career), 2019

Oil, acrylic, inkjet on canvas

45.5 x 80 inches
115.6 x 203.2 cm

Withdraw #4, 2016, Oil, acrylic, and inkjet print on canvas

Withdraw #4, 2016

Oil, acrylic, and inkjet print on canvas

60 x 58 inches
152.4 x 147.3 cm

Pieter Schoolwerth, Forensic Amplification, 2019

Pieter Schoolwerth

Forensic Amplification, 2019

oil, acrylic, inkjet on canvas

42 1/2 x 36 inches
108 x 91.4 cm

(PS 19/004)

Mail Woman #2, 2014, Oil, acrylic, and inkjet print on canvas

Mail Woman #2, 2014

Oil, acrylic, and inkjet print on canvas

73 x 58 inches
185.4 x 147.3 cm

Portrait of "The Concert" (after Van Baburen), 2011, Oil and acrylic on canvas

Portrait of "The Concert" (after Van Baburen), 2011

Oil and acrylic on canvas
54 1/4 x 65 inches

Shadows Past, 2013, Oil, acrylic, inkjet print and oil pastel on canvas

Shadows Past, 2013

Oil, acrylic, inkjet print and oil pastel on canvas

76 3/4 x 60 x 3 inches

Bluff, 2006, Oil on linen

Bluff, 2006

Oil on linen

38 x 42.5 inches
96.5 x 108 cm

Pieter Schoolwerth -  - Viewing Room - Petzel Gallery

Pieter Schoolwerth (b. 1970, St. Louis, MO)

American artist Pieter Schoolwerth works in a multitude of mediums including painting sculpture, installation, and video. His paintings capture the invisible flows of abstraction that structure contemporary experience, turning them into motifs for an elaborate new kind of figurative painting. In his work, the stuff of paint itself reappears as a supplement only at the end of a complex, multi-media effort to produce a figurative picture depicting the ‘once removed’ space of the virtual.

Since graduating from the California Institute of the Arts in 1994, Schoolwerth has exhibited nationally and internationally with notable solo shows at Thread Waxing Space, New York; Greene Naftali, New York; Grand Palais, Paris; Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York; What Pipeline, Detroit; Capitain Petzel, Berlin; Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin and Petzel, New York. His work has been included in group exhibitions at The Museum of Modern Art, New York; The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Centre Pompidou, Paris; The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield; The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston; Sadie Coles, London among others. His monograph Model as Painting was published by Sequence Press/MIT in 2019, and he presented his mid-career survey show “No Body Get a Head 1991-2020” at the Kunstverein Hannover in 2021, curated by Kathleen Rahn. From 2003–2013 Schoolwerth ran Wierd Records and the Wierd Party in the Lower East Side of NYC, releasing music by 46 bands and producing over 500 live music, DJ, and performance art events. 

Schoolwerth’s work is in the permanent collections of the Pinault Collection, Venice and Paris; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco; Kistefos Museum and Sculpture Park, Jevnaker; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; The Aïshti Foundation, Beirut; Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig; Denver Art Museum, Denver; and the Stavanger Art Museum, Stavanger, among others. 

Installation view, Rigged

Installation view




Installation view, Rigged

Installation view




Installation view, No Body Get a Head, 1991–2020

Installation view

No Body Get a Head, 1991–2020

Kunstverein Hannover


Installation view, No Body Get a Head, 1991–2020

Installation view

No Body Get a Head, 1991–2020

Kunstverein Hannover


Installation view, Shifted Sims

Installation view

Shifted Sims



Installation view, Shifted Sims

Installation view

Shifted Sims



Installation view, Model as Painting

Installation view

Model as Painting

Capitain Petzel


Installation view, Model as Painting

Installation view

Model as Painting

Capitain Petzel