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Rezi van Lankveld - Artists - Petzel Gallery

Rezi van Lankveld (b. 1973, Almelo, The Netherlands)

Rezi van Lankveld graduated from Jan van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht in 1999.  She lives and works in Amsterdam.

Van Lankveld is known for the mode of painting that combines abstraction and figuration, chance and determination. She has shown extensively throughout Europe. Recent solo exhibitions include: Office Baroque, Brussels, Belgium (2020); Reset, Borgloon, Belgium (2019); The Approach, London (2018); Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam (2015); FIAC, Paris (2014); among others.

Her work has been included in group exhibitions including Palazzo de’Toschi, Bologna (2020); Annet Gelink, Amsterdam (2019); Root Canal, from De Ateliers, Amsterdam (2018); The Approach, London (2017); Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2016); and many others.

Van Lankfeld’s work is included in the collections of the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; The Rabobank Art Collection, The Netherlands; The Art Collection of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago, and the Zabludowicz Collection, London and New York

“In fact, she never paints an image: rather, she anticipates it, like a voyeur waiting in the ambush, hoping to see a coveted scene. It is less important to see something than to make believe something can be seen.”

Tentative Images, Zlatko Wurzberg

Career Highlights

Installation view, Petzel, 2010

Installation view, Petzel, 2010

1973 Born, Almelo, Netherlands

1999 Graduates Jan van Eyck Akadamie, Maastricht

2003 Begins showing with The Approach, London

2007 Begins showing with Petzel, New York

2014 Solo presentation, FIAC Paris

Installation view, Schleper, Petzel, 2017

Installation view, Schleper, Petzel, 2017

2015 Begins showing with Annet Gelink, Amsterdam

2016 Years of Prix Prat, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France

2017 Schlepper, Petzel, New York

2020 Flitsen, Office Baroque, Brussels, Belgium

2022 Soft Sun, Petzel, New York