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Heimo Zobernig


Published on the occasion of HERE AND NOW at Museum Ludwig : Heimo Zobernig, Fe­bruary 20 – May 22, 2016

What does it mean to “p­re­sent art” to­day? How has the in­sti­tu­tion of the “mu­se­um” changed? The new ex­hi­bi­tion se­ries HERE AND NOW at Mu­se­um Lud­wig ques­tions the con­ven­tions of the in­sti­tu­tion’s own work and aims at rene­go­ti­at­ing the for­mat of con­ven­tio­n­al mu­se­um ex­hi­bi­tions. To this end, the mu­se­um will open its doors and co­op­er­ate with in­ter­na­tio­n­al fig­ures from a va­ri­e­ty of fields. A space for in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary ex­per­i­ments will be cre­at­ed that will in­clude forms of pro­duc­tion such as de­sign, mu­sic, and the­ater as well as archives, re­cord la­bels, and pub­lish­ers.

The se­ries will be­gin with the Aus­trian artist Hei­mo Zobernig. His ex­per­i­men­tal ap­proach to the con­cept of sculp­ture of­ten leads him to pre­vi­ous­ly un­ex­plored boun­daries be­tween art and ar­chi­tec­ture or de­sign. For in­s­tance, he de­vel­oped two large-scale, black in­s­tal­la­tions for the floor and ceil­ing of the Aus­trian pav­ilion at the Venice Bien­nale in 2015, which play­ful­ly ques­tion the re­la­tion­ship be­tween bodies in space. Part of this rad­i­cal yet min­i­mal­ist in­s­tal­la­tion will be trans­ferred to the Mu­se­um Lud­wig. The full-scale re­pli­ca will serve as a pedes­tal for the mu­se­um’s sculp­ture col­lec­tion. This succinct place­ment can be read as a hu­mor­ous and iron­ic com­men­tary on col­lec­tions and artis­tic self-con­cep­tion.

Cu­ra­tor: Yil­maz Dziewior 
Cu­ra­to­rial as­sis­tant: Leonie Ra­dine 


Pub­lished by Y­il­maz Dziewior

Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, Cologne 2017

Es­says by Manuela Am­mer, Stephan Died­erich, Yil­maz Dziewior, Ri­ta Ker­st­ing, An­nelie Pohlen, Leonie Ra­dine

216 pages, 120 (114 col­ored) im­ages
Texts in Ger­man and En­glish
9 x 9 in.

ISBN: 978-3960981213


About the artist

Heimo Zobernig (b. 1958, Mauthen, Austria)

Heimo Zobernig was born in 1958, in Mauthen, Austria and currently lives in Vienna. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, and later at the University of Applied Arts, both in Vienna. After two visiting professorships in Germany, he has been teaching at the Academy of Fine Art in Vienna since 1999. He was the recipient of the Otto Mauer Prize in 1993, followed in 1997 by the City of Vienna’s Prize for Fine Art.

Zobernig has mined various art historical moments and movements, specifically Modernism, post-Modernism, Geometric Abstraction and Minimalism, with a rigorous and interrogatory spirit. His often playful approach also includes a keen and abiding affinity with modes of display, set design and theatricality.

The artist has had numerous international solo exhibitions, including Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp (2020); Simon Lee, Hong Kong (2019); MIT List Visual Arts Center, Boston (2017); Museum Ludwig, Cologne (2016); the Austrian Pavillion, La Biennale di Venezia (2015); Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria (2015); MUDAM, Luxembourg (2014); Documenta 9 and X in Kassel, and additional solo shows at the Kunsthaus Graz (2013); Palacio de Veláquez, Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid (2012); Kunsthalle Zurich (2011); Pestorius Sweeney House, Brisbane, Australia (2011); Musée d’art contemporain, Bordeaux (2009); MAK, Vienna (2008); the K21, Düsseldorf (2003); Museum of Modern Art, Vienna (2002).

Zobernig’s work has been featured in group exhibitions at the New Museum, New York (2020); MAMCO, Geneva (2019); The National Museum of Art, Osaka (2019); Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2017); Centre Pompidou, Paris (2016); Whitney Museum of American Art (2015); Simon Lee Gallery, London (2014), and Kunstmuseum Basel (2012), among many others.

In 2016 Heimo Zobernig won the Roswitha Haftmann Prize, and in 2010 he won the Frederick Kiesler Prize for Art and Architecture in Vienna.

Zobernig’s work is part of many notable public collections including MAMCO, Geneva; MAK, Vienna; Augarten Contemporary, Vienna; Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria; and Kunsthaus Bregenz, Bregenz, Austria, among others.