"Insects, old women, and plastic tools are the inhabitants of a potential world. Experiments in Primitive Living is a cycle of photographs that imagine what the world would be like under five different weather conditions-ash, freeze, thaw, flood, and drought. It is a deliberately nonhierarchical archive of different photographic styles: product shot, scientific photo, portrait, and epic narrative. Because the subjects in the pictures are also on equal ground-for example, the spore and the face merit the same size and resolution-old categories serve not as aesthetic end-games but as an homage to the camera's ability to inform, to sell, to turn you on, or to tell a story.
In this possible world, there is a power vac-um, an absence of infrastructure, and now the overlooked have stepped in. Old women may rule, silently. The small detail may outlast the large story. The icicle may outlive the guitar player." -Dana Hoey
Author: Maurice Berger
Publisher: Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture, University of Maryland
Language: English
Hardcover: 32 pages
9.5 x 6.5 in
ISBN: 978-1-890761-13-4
About the artist